Aeon 14: The Orion War [1-10] – M. D. Cooper Free Audiobook

    Aeon 14: The Orion War [1-10] - M. D. Cooper Audiobook Free Download
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    M. D. Cooper
    Khristine Hvam, Cris Dukehart
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    Written by M. D. Cooper
    Read by Khristine Hvam, Cris Dukehart
    Format: M4B
    Bitrate: Mixed

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    NOTES: Cleaned up, single format rip.

    Destiny Lost: Orion War Series, Book 1

    An ancient general, and a woman running from her destiny…

    Sera leads a simple life.

    A little smuggling, some drinking contests, and captaining her star freighter, Sabrina. But when she picks up a mysterious shipping container on Coburn Station, things begin to go wrong. She finds herself at odds with The Mark, a dangerous pirate organization that wants the cargo on her ship.

    Inside the container she not only finds a woman, but a secret thought lost millennia ago. The woman is Tanis Richards, and she knows the location of the Intrepid, a missing colony ship from humanity’s golden age.

    Sera knows how to help Tanis and the Intrepid. But to do that, she will need to reveal a secret that will pull her back into a life she left long ago. A life from which she was exiled in shame and disgrace.

    Tanis doesn’t trust Sera; and Sabrina’s rag-tag crew is nothing like what she’s used to, but she’s going to have to rely on them to avoid capture and get back to the Intrepid. As Tanis and Sera battle pirates and interstellar governments, the two women forge a friendship that will forever shape the destiny of humanity.

    Reading Order
    The Aeon 14 universe is vast and growing quickly. To help you know where to go next, pick up the handy dandy FREE READING GUIDE:

    About M. D. Cooper & Aeon 14
    M. D. Cooper is a New York Times bestselling author who has envisioned a rich future for humanity, one where planet-sized megastructures house trillions of humans, but traveling between the stars still takes decades, or even centuries.

    Fans of Ringworld, Honor Harrington, The Expanse, or Elizabeth Moon’s Vatta’s War will feel right at home in this, the first book of The Orion War, and the world of Aeon 14.

    Over the course of the next few years, M. D. Cooper plans to release an additional twenty-two books in this expanding universe. So get on board the Intrepid with Tanis and see what the stars hold for us.

    What is Aeon 14?
    The universe of Aeon 14 is based on the premise that advanced, intelligent, starfaring life takes 14 billion years to evolve. In astronomy an aeon is a billion years. In Aeon 14, humanity is at the leading edge of this evolution in the Milky Way Galaxy.

    Humanity and the AIs they have created spread out amongst the stars and find that they are alone, though it may not always be that way…

    New Canaan: Orion War Series, Book 2

    “Just once, I’d like to fly into a system where everyone doesn’t want to kill us.”

    Tanis Richards has spent half her life on the Intrepid, guiding the great colony ship, and its two million passengers, across hundreds of light-years. She has risked life, limb and those dearest to her to get this far.

    Now she’s within reach of her goal; the New Canaan System, and a normal, stable life. The kind she’s only dreamed about. The only remaining hurdle is to strike a deal with the Transcend Interstellar Alliance and trade the Intrepid’s advanced technology for the star system.

    If only things were so easy.

    The Intrepid’s arrival has upset the delicate balance of power between the Transcend, the Orion Guard, and the Inner Stars. Everything Tanis has ever hoped for is at risk as she fights to build the colony of New Canaan amidst the looming specter of war.

    Orion Rising: Orion War Series, Book 3

    The war will come—it is inevitable.

    After centuries of struggle, the ISF Intrepid has finally brought its colonists to New Canaan, a star system better than any they imagined. They made landfall and began to build their new home, far from the troubles of Sol and the Inner Stars.

    Yet no one in the Orion Arm has forgotten that the colonists possess the most valuable technology known to humankind, least of all Tanis Richards—as she secretly prepares to defend New Canaan against any and all aggressors.

    Now things have come to a head. A Transcend fleet has invaded New Canaan, and a Hegemony of Worlds fleet on its way. Tanis Richards must defeat a rogue AI that has its own designs for humanity’s future, while saving her people from invaders.

    General, governor, commander of twenty thousand warships, Tanis Richards stands on the edge of a precipice. If she jumps, she will draw all of humanity into total war.

    The Scipio Alliance: Orion War Series, Book 4

    The Battle for New Canaan is over, but the war has just begun…

    Tanis and Sera have taken the I2 to Khardine, the new capital of the Transcend, and must now travel to the Inner Stars and meet with Scipian Empress, Diana—who they hope will be an ally to the Transcend.

    With the Trisilieds Kingdom, the Hegemony of Worlds, and the Nietzschean Empire all aligned with the Orion Guard—not to mention a civil war brewing in the Transcend—they will need all the help they can get to secure the Inner Stars.

    But Empress Diana has her own plans for the Inner Stars, and while they may dovetail with the Transcend’s for now, they may not always do so…

    Attack on Thebes: Orion War Series, Book 5

    The drums of war thunder across the stars…

    The final negotiations between the Silstrand Alliance and the Scipian Empire are complete, and it’s time for Tanis and Sera to part ways.

    Sera must return to Khardine, where new challenges await, and preprations for the march on Airtha begin. Meanwhile Tanis turns toward the Praesepe Cluster. There, a handfull of interstellar nations hold out against the encroaching Nietzschean Empire. Sera’s Hand agents are certain that the Nietzscheans are backed by Orion, and Nadine is sent in ahead to connect with agents in Septhia before the I2 arrives.

    Tanis and Bob have an additional goal. They want to learn more about the technology that Peter Rhoads used to control his fleet. Technology that had its origins in the former Genevian Alliance, and may still exist in a group of mercenaries known as the Marauders.

    War on a Thousand Fronts: Orion War Series, Book 6

    The Allied fleet has stopped the Nietzscheans at Pyra, but the battlefront grows wider day by day.

    While Sera distributes the Transcend’s fleets to protect the alliance, Tanis must come to grips with what happened to her on Pyra’s surface. In addition, Bob conveys a number of hard truths that will force her to re-think her role in humanity’s future.

    But the allies’ enemies are not sitting idle. General Greer, Justin, the Caretaker, and Airtha are all advancing plans to see their visions of the future come true.

    Tanis must take the next step if she’s to hold back the tide of war that threatens to swallow the galaxy.

    Precipice of Darkness: Orion War Series, Book 7

    In the core of the galaxy, a darkness begins to feed….

    The Allies have solidified their hold on the Large Magellanic Cloud and turn their sights on the Inner Stars and Perseus Arm. With forces spread thin, they must depend on superior technology and quantum entanglement communication to retain their edge.

    But their enemies have not been idle.

    Ascended AIs move to destroy Tangel, as Garza and the Orion Widows strike out at both Tangel and Airtha. Deep in the Transcend, Justin readies his new stasis ship for an assault on Vela, and the League of Sentients dithers on whether to join the fight.

    In the midst of it all, Tangel alternates between savior and diplomat as she endeavors to keep the Allied forces on track.

    Old enemies will fall, and new ones will rise as the fight to bring peace to the stars teeters on the precipice of darkness.

    Airthan Ascendancy: Orion War Series, Book 8

    Though Xavia has been defeated, new enemies rise to take her place.

    Tangel is still reeling from her battle with the ascended AI, but she still needs to complete her negotiations with the League of Sentients and bring them into the Alliance. Once that agreement is in place, the Alliance will be in a position to hit the Hegemony on multiple fronts, beginning the process of defeating humanity’s oldest empire. But unbeknownst to Tangel, a force of Widows is present on Lunic station, eager for the opportunity to derail that agreement though Tangel’s death.

    Three thousand light years toward the galactic core, Sera is preparing for her assault on Airtha, a deadly mission that will take the best the Alliance can muster and pit it against the ascended AI in an effort to end the civil war wracking the Transcend. But Lisa Wrentham’s Widows are moving into Airthan space as well, fully prepared to destroy the entire ring if it will mean the destruction of the ascended AI that rules it.

    Both of those missions are in peril from more than just the threat of the Widows; the core AI Epsilon is moving against Tangel’s forces, and Cary will face a threat far more insidious than she’d ever expected. One which may take her to their enemy’s seat of power.

    But Bob and Tangel can only be in one place at a time, and someone is going to be on their own.

    The Orion Front: Orion War Series, Book 9

    Although Airtha has fallen, much work remains…

    While Allied forces deal with the aftermath of the Airthan Ascendancy, Tangel turns her gaze to Orion. Stopping their advance on the Transcend and the Inner Stars is the key to ending the war and bringing peace to the galaxy.

    But the road will not be easy. Jessica and Trevor jump to Star City, hoping to enlist the aid of the Bastions, but the core AIs have other ideas. Meanwhile, the team led by Cary encounters unexpected roadblocks when they find that another power lurks behind General Garza. Worse, efforts to correct the paths of the stars in the Praesepe Cluster’s will require infiltrating a core AI outpost.

    Circumstances are dire all across the front, forcing Tangel to choose where she will lend aid and where will descend into chaos.

    Starfire: Orion War Series, Book 10

    The war has become personal…

    Tangel leads the I2 to Star City, while Joe follows after the Perilous Dream, desperate to bring his daughters home. Elsewhere Praetor Kirkland prepares for attack, suspecting that the Widows are coming for him.

    To top it off, the denizens of Star City make an impossible demand.
    When personal need runs up against the Alliance’s goals, Tangel is forced to reevaluate what her role is and what she’s willing to sacrifice to save her people.

    A choice that will demand more from her than she ever expected.

    Audiobook 11-12: Not Available yet

    Race Across Spacetime: Orion War Series, Book 11
    Return to Sol: Orion War Series, Book 12