BBV Doctor Who Spinoff – Complete Collection (Includes Faction Paradox episodes) – Bill & Ben’s Video Free Audiobook

BBV Doctor Who Spinoff - Complete Collection (Includes Faction Paradox episodes) - Bill & Ben's Video Audiobook Free Download
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Written by Bill & Ben’s Video
Read by Nick Briggs; Lalla Ward; John Lesson; Colin Baker; Sylvester McCoy; Sophie Alfred
Format: MP3

BBV (Bill & Ben VIDEO) are a British production company who produced a large range of spinoff Doctor Who VIDEOS AND AUDIOS in the late 1990 and early 2000s. Some of the stories have come to be regarded as canonical according to Tardis Wiki.

The BBV range is mostly pretty adult in nature and for the more mature listener. The plays are only about 60 minutes each. A huge number of Big Finish and BBC actors are involved. BBV would go on to semi-merge with BBC/Big Finish, although the company still keeps distinct rights to their works.

Their range of CDs, titled
“Audio Adventures in Time and Space” featured a mix of well-known Who actors (Colin Baker, Lalla Ward, Sophie Aldred, etc.), usually playing thinly-disguised Whovian characters, e.g. Sylvester McCoy as “The Professor”. Some of their more recent CDs actually went a step further in using familiar characters from the programm, such as Zygons, Sontarans, the Rani, K-9, etc. They also produced a handful of dramas featuring Faction Paradox, the “time-travelling voodoo cult” from the 8th Doctor novels that are not considered canonical but are still fun to listen to.

The quality ranges from absolutely excellent (The two “Stranger” plays with Colin Baker still out) to the mediocre (most of the Professor/Ace plays). In fact, I would recommend listening to just about everything BUT the Professor/Ace plays, which really are just 7th Doctor adventures, and pay attention to the other outings. Some plays are just classics, just as “The Rani Reaps the Whirlwind” and should be enjoyed by ALL Who fans.

The Doctor does not officially appear in any of these plays. He appears wrapped up as “The Professor” in the Sylvester McCoy plays and The Wanderer is very similar to the Nick Briggs Doctor from the Audio Visuals.

After more than 5 years and over 30 CDs, BBV announced in 2004 that they were ceasing PRODUCTION of their Audio Adventures, in order to concentrate on the production of DVDs. These are pretty low budget and the audios are simply better quality.

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