Beast Master’s Planet: Omnibus of Beast Master and Lord of Thunder Free Audiobook
Andre Norton
Read By: Nick Sullivan
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In 1959 Andre Norton published The Beast Master, an exciting science fiction adventure that introduced Hosteen Storm, one of her most popular heroes. Storm is a Navajo scout for Earth’s forces in the future. When Earth is destroyed by the alien Xik, Storm becomes a rancher on frontier planet Arzor. In telepathic rapport with a team of animals, he is the closest thing the planetary Confederacy has to law on Arzor. In this novel and its sequel, Lord of Thunder(1962), he finds that safeguarding the colonists, the native aboriginals, and the natural resources of the planet is a full-time job full of action and excitement. Arzor’s ruins of a bygone race present their own puzzles and problems, but thwarting a genocidal plot of a crazed war vet turns his job into a deadly challenge.