Flashforward – Robert J. Sawyer Free Audiobook

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    Written by Robert J. Sawyer
    Read by Mark Deakins
    Format: MP3
    Bitrate: 56 Kbps

    Nobel-hungry physicists conducting an unimaginably high-energy experiment accidentally induce a global consciousness shift. In an instant, everyone on Earth is “flashed forward” 21 years, experiencing several minutes of the future. But while everyone is, literally, out of their minds, their bodies drop unconscious; when the world reawakens, car wrecks, botched surgeries, falls, and other mishaps add up to massive death and destruction.

    Slowly, as recovery efforts continue, people realize that during the Flashforward (as it comes to be called) they experienced a vision of the future. The range of visions is astounding–those who would be asleep in the future saw psychedelic dream landscapes, while others saw nothing at all (presumably they’d be dead). But those who saw everyday life 20 years hence have to come to grips with evidence of dreams forsaken (or realized). Soon, the physicists who caused the Flashforward are struggling to help the world decide whether the future is changeable–and whether the experiment is worth repeating.