Sarek – A.C. Crispin Free Audiobook

    Sarek - A.C. Crispin Audiobook Free Download
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    Written by A.C. Crispin
    Format: MP3
    Bitrate: Variable

    YA?A readable, well-written story that takes place after the explosion of the Klingon planet Praxis, as depicted in the film Star Trek VI, and that centers around Sarek, the Vulcan ambassador, and his son Spock. Spock and Sarek, who have long been estranged, band together to thwart a plot by the Keep Earth Human League to destroy the Federation. What really distinguishes Sarek from countless other “Star Trek” novels is its handling of the relationships between Spock, his human mother Amanda, and Sarek. These characters are multidimensional, allowing readers to experience their lives, loves, and problems as revealed through Amanda’s diary and their own memories. This very satisfying sci-fi romp will be thoroughly enjoyed by legions of Trek fans.