The Fourth Wall – John Dorney Free Audiobook
Written by John Dorney
Format: MP3
Latest Doctor Who audio story. Featuring Colin Baker as the Doctor, and Lisa Greenwood as his latest companion, twenty first century British teenager Philippa ‘Flip’ Jackson.
This is the second in a trilogy of stories featuring the pair. But it does stand totally on it’s own, so those who haven’t heard the preceding story The Curse of Davros (Doctor Who) should be able to hear this one without any problem.
It runs for four episodes, spread over two cd’s. Each episode is a little over thirty minutes in length [approx].
The story involves an intergalactic media mogul whose business is going through a very bad patch. His latest venture is a new science fiction adventure series called Laser. A show about an intergalactic adventurer which is extremely cliche ridden. But which is made with new technology, that promises a viewing experience the like of which you would never have had before.
Naturally, things go wrong, and the Doctor is caught up in what happens next. Which leaves Flip battling to survive in a hostile and strangely familiar barren wilderness….
This one has both comedy and drama, and switches between both very neatly at the drop of a hat. The comedy can be very funny indeed at points, and the drama pretty memorable.