The Sleeping Gods + The Locus Series – Ralph Kern Free Audiobook

    The Sleeping Gods + The Locus Series - Ralph Kern Audiobook Free Download
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    Written by Ralph Kern
    Format: MP3

    The Sleeping Gods Series


    The Locus Series


    Since we first looked at the stars, there has been a silence, no signs of alien life, no one who has tried to speak to us, a mystery that a long dead scientist called the Fermi Paradox.
    ‘Where are they?’
    In 2118, the first daring mission to another star, Tau Ceti, twelve light years away is launched. Tom Hites and Harry Cosgrove command the Starship Endeavour on an epic journey to solve the Fermi Paradox. From the first, nearly disastrous steps on a distant world, their quest takes them further than they ever imagined. Out amidst the mysterious long abandoned worlds and ancient relics they discover, some strange, some wonderful and some deadly, that question they seek to answer becomes:
    ‘Where are they now?’

    The M/S Atlantica, one of the most advanced cruise ships in the world, is lost.

    Land has disappeared. Fuel, food and hope begin to dwindle.

    After months recuperating in hospital, US Marine Jack Cohen hoped a Caribbean cruise would help him recover from the horrific injuries he sustained fighting in the Middle East. Instead, when the ship is attacked, he is once again thrust into battle to protect Atlantica against the ruthless enemy hunting her, and the insidious threat already aboard.

    On these mysterious and uncharted seas, where even the compass shows the sun rising to the west, Atlantica’s salvation may lie with a Navy warship which is as lost as they are. Together, they must pool their resources and use every means available to defend themselves while discovering what has happened to them.

    And the rest of the world.

    Unfathomed, a military science fiction thriller which will appeal to anyone who enjoyed Lost, BSG or The Last Ship.